- Details
- Written by: Alex Walker
- Category: CM Gift Card
- Hits: 564
If you add the code {complete_date} in the email template, the date of purchase is not inserted. Use this code to show the purchase date. The only issue I can see with this is, if the card is sent in a date in the future then the amount of available time to use it will be reduced. So for example, I buy a card today for a birthday and the the birthday is not until next month and I set it to be sent out in 28 days time, then the receiver would lose 28 days to redeem the Gift Card. It should be from the date the electronic card is received.
To add the purchase date of the Gift Card:
That info is not available in gift card email. If you want to add it by yourself, you edit
search for the line
'{gift_card_message}' => $card->message,
and add this line after it
'{completed_date}' => JHtml::_('date', $card->completed, 'DATE_FORMAT_LC2'),
- Details
- Written by: Alex Walker
- Category: CM Gift Card
- Hits: 601
To test with PayPal sandbox, you go to https://www.sandbox.paypal.
In the PayPal plugin configuration, you enter merchant sandbox account and set environment to "Sandbox".
When you purchase for gift card in front-end, you pay with the buyer sandbox account you have created, if everything goes well you will receive emails.